The GJEPC-organized IIJS Signature exhibition in India showcases stunning diamond and gold jewellery

IIJS Signature 2024 is an upcoming diamond jewellery exhibition that promises to be a significant event in the gems and jewellery industry, showcasing the latest trends and innovations. The event will be held from January 4th to 7th at the Jio World Convention Centre, followed by the Bombay Exhibition Centre from January 5th to 8th, both located in Mumbai, India. Over 800 exhibitors from 25 countries will showcase their craftsmanship and industry trends. The event caters to diverse tastes, from traditional heirlooms to avant-garde masterpieces, and offers a unique opportunity for seasoned professionals and newcomers alike. Attendees can participate in knowledge-sharing sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities to stay informed about the dynamic global jewellery market. Notable highlights of the event include appearances by renowned designers, The Select Club, and a dedicated sustainability zone. IIJS Signature 2024 is more than just a display; it's a chance to ignite your inner brilliance and become part of the unfolding narrative in the dynamic global jewellery industry. Don't miss the opportunity to join this special event and witness the brilliance unfold at IIJS Signature 2024.


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