Location: Canada

Marma therapy is a traditional Indian system of healing that involves the application of pressure to specific points on the body, known as marmas. The word "marma" means "vital point"... Read More

Nadi pareeksha is a traditional Indian diagnostic technique that uses the pulse to assess a person's overall health and well-being.The word "nadi" means "channel" or "stream," and "pareeksha" means "examination"... Read More

Panchakarma is a traditional Indian system of purification and detoxification that is designed to remove toxins from the body and restore balance. Panchakarma can be a powerful tool for improving... Read More

An ayurvedic meditation consultation is a personalized assessment of your meditation needs and preferences that is used to create a personalized meditation practice. During an ayurvedic meditation consultation, you will... Read More

An ayurvedic yoga consultation is a great way to learn more about Ayurveda and how it can help you improve your health through yoga. During an ayurvedic yoga consultation, you... Read More

An ayurvedic diet consultation is a personalized assessment of your dietary needs and preferences that is used to create a personalized diet plan. During an ayurvedic diet consultation, you will... Read More

- An Ayurveda initial consultation is a great way to learn more about Ayurveda and how it can help you improve your health. It is also a great way to... Read More

Ayurkulam is an ayurvedic clinic in Calgary that offers a wide range of services, including ayurvedic consultations, ayurvedic lifestyle consultations, and ayurvedic treatments. The clinic is staffed by experienced ayurvedic... Read More

Ayurkulam offers Reiki Energy Healing Services in Calgary, we offers energy healing services in Calgary. Reiki is a gentle Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. Through... Read More

Ayurkulam is an ayurvedic clinic in Calgary that offers a wide range of services, including ayurvedic consultations. Ayurkulam's ayurvedic consultations are designed to help you understand your individual constitution, or... Read More