Gold Pearl Pigments Manufacturer in India | SP Colour & Chemicals

SP Color & Chemicals emerges as a beacon of quality and innovation in the vibrant field of industrial pigments. With an immovable obligation to greatness, we take special care of a different cluster of industries including cosmetics, printing, plastics, inks, masterbatches, and more. At the centre of our item portfolio lies a jewel: the Gold Pearl Pigment. As a main manufacturer of Pigments, we invest in offering traditional gold pearl pigments as well as Synthetic Base Gold Pearl Pigments, recognized by the code 4707.

Introducing the Gold Pearl Pigment: Transforming Industries' Aesthetics The Gold Pearl Pigment is a harmonious amalgamation of science and art. Manufactured with accuracy, it encapsulates extravagance and opulence, raising the stylish allure of items across different industries. Whether it's conferring an unpretentious shine to beauty care products, upgrading the charm of bundling through printing, or instilling plastics with a sumptuous sheen, our Gold Pearl Pigments adds a dash of complexity to each application.

Synthetic Base Gold Pearl Pigment (Code 4707): An Innovative Wonder At SP Colour & Chemicals, we ceaselessly push the limits of development. Our Synthetic Base Gold Pearl Pigment, bearing the recognized code 4707, remains as a demonstration of our obligation to innovative headway. This is carefully manufactured to convey unrivalled splendour and execution, setting new benchmarks in the business.