Functional Medicine Sibo | Merge Medical Center

If too many bacteria are in the small gut, SIBO will happen. Usually, the small intestine has a relatively low number of bacteria compared to the large intestine. But some things can throw this balance off, which can cause too many germs to grow. These factors include:

Impaired Motility: Conditions that slow food movement through the digestive system, such as intestinal adhesions or certain medications, can contribute to SIBO.
Structural Abnormalities: Structural abnormalities in the small intestine, such as strictures or diverticula, can create pockets where bacteria can accumulate and grow.
Low Stomach Acid: Insufficient stomach acid can allow bacteria to survive in the small intestine instead of being killed off.
Dysfunction of the Ileocecal Valve: The ileocecal valve typically prevents the backflow of bacteria from the large intestine into the small intestine. If this valve is not functioning correctly, it can contribute to SIBO.