Author: ehomeostore

Morgan Gaertnerbach is an author and practitioner known for her expertise in homeopathy. She has contributed extensively to the understanding and application of homeopathic remedies, including Natrum Chloricum. Gaertnerbach's work... Read More

Natrum Chloricum, known as Sodium Chloride in homeopathy, is used to address various conditions related to fluid imbalance and dehydration. It is often prescribed for ailments such as edema, dehydration,... Read More

Natrum Muriaticum (Natrum Mur) is indicated in cold with clear watery discharge Relieves sinus headaches Natrum Mur is useful for heartburn and constipation Helpful for the better distribution of body... Read More

Natrum Sulphuricum (Natrum Sulph) is indicated in jaundice, bile sickness and gall stone colic Effective for sick headache and vertigo Natrum Sulph is used in yellowish green or dirty brown... Read More

Silicea is Indicated in boils, carbuncles and hip-joint diseases. Exclude the putrid material from the body. It is effective in offensive perspiration with smelly feet. Useful in brittle, deformed nails... Read More

"Masood’s Rhenidal syrup is useful for catarrh and sinusitis. Helps to treat acute or chronic sinusitis. Prevents repeated attacks of cough and cold. Relieves headache because of sinusitis. Used to... Read More

Masood’s Pyrexal syrup is beneficial to abate pain and fever. Indicated in treatment of all type of pains. Used to reduce elevated temperature. Relieves weakness associated with fever Masood’s Pyrexal syrup... Read More

Masood’s Prokol syrup is beneficial to relieve dry and productive cough. Indicated in cough because of common cold. Helps to alleviate congestion of chest. Useful in dry cough due to... Read More

Natrum Phosphoricum (Natrum Phos) is Indicated in gastric ulceration and digestive troubles. Regulates the acid base balance. It is effective in gout and rheumatic disorders. Natrum Phos is helpful for... Read More

Masood’s Tonsi-Aid syrup alleviate complaints related to tonsils. Used to reduce inflammation of tonsils. Relieves pain during swallowing. Indicated in sore throat after infection. Helps to treat fever associated with... Read More