All about M | O | C Cancer Care & Research Centre

M | O | C Cancer Care & Research Centre (MOC) is a symbol of our commitment to provide excellent Oncology (Branch of science that deals with Management of Cancer) & Hematology (Blood Disorders and Cancers) healthcare services to patients suffering with these critical ailments. MOC is a brainchild of 4 cancer treating consultants built with an intention to provide quality and affordable cancer care to the people of Mumbai, Maharashtra and India. The very genesis of MOC is based on offering the best in the class and the most updated medical interventions at the hands of highly qualified doctors in cancer treatment and related services, using a State-of-the-Art facility coupled with Seamless Healthcare Value-Added Services for patients.

It is an established fact that promptness of medical services in disease like cancer matters the most to an extent that it can impact treatment outcomes. Unfortunately, infrastructure in India has not developed in a manner to cater to all cancer patients in the most efficient way leaving a need gap which we intend to fulfil by our genuine attempt through Mumbai Oncocare Center.